Friday, July 29, 2011

Zenfolio Featured Site

Here's some good news. A few weeks ago Seven One Studio was contacted by Zenfolio who inquired about the possibility of featuring our website on their front page. Who, you may ask, is Zenfolio? Well for those photography novices, Zenfolio is a well respected web hosting provider for professional photographers. In addition to hosting photography sites, they manage all the sales, printing, and shipping of photographic works of art. Apparently, they were in the midst of redesigning their website and wanted to feature some of the more well designed websites, like Seven One Studio, on their front page. To say this is a compliment, is sort of an understatement. So of course I said yes!! Who doesn't want a little free publicity? Here is a picture of how the "spotlight" looked. And for those who haven't yet seen my website, just visit Let me know your favorite photos and maybe you'll see them on the front page.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Hey Everyone,
I have been going through thousands of pictures that i have taken in the last couple of weeks and need some help choosing between certain ones. So if you could leave in the Comments which image you prefer and possibly any reasoning behind it, i would appreciate it. And if say you like the composition of one, but don't love the color, let me know that too. And you can just use numbers, 1,2 or 3. Or NONE, i guess would be an option, if none of them do it for you, thats ok too.



Friday, July 15, 2011

A Question.

On a recent trip, I stopped by an Alpaca farm and got into a discussion/disagreement over this unique animal. It was my position that they are indeed very ugly animals. And others in my group thought they were really cute. And another had the theory, a magical theory if you will, that they are so ugly they become cute. Is this possible? Can something go so far to one side of a scale, that they circle back around to become the complete opposite?

Now I had some pictures that would prove my UGLY view point, but in fairness to the others, I decided to display the picture with the little baby and momma.

Let me know what you think.