Friday, February 3, 2012

366 Photography Project

Wow, Now while i have very active on Google+ and Facebook, i have neglected my Blog. And for that I apologize.

First off Happy New Year.

At the beginning of 2012 I decided to tackle the 365 Photography Project. Which, for those that don't know, is taking and posting a photo every day. But since this is a Leap Year, i will be doing a 366 Project. I started it at my Google+ page, then realized I should also be posting at Facebook, which then posts a link to my twitter account. I figured I would take the Social Media aspect in baby steps, so now that I have posted everyday for the last month, I figure it's time to get my Blog back in the mix.

This is the first of many posts. While I don't plan on posting here every day, I certainly will post at least once a week to keep you up to date with my ongoing photo project, for those that are only following me here. You know who you are, Jason.


Must post a photo everyday.

That's it, now 90% of the time it will be an image that was shot that day, but I am not making that an absolute requirement. And as it has turned out, every image so far has been shot with my iPhone 4S and processed using various different apps. On Google+ and Facebook, I give a little run down of the Apps I used to process the image. But since I am posting 31 images on the Blog, I won't break them down individually.

I will have to say I have been pretty happy with what I have shot and posted. If I see a trend beginning then I try and switch it up, so they don't all look the same, and I rarely ever apply one effect, I usually go from app to app, which requires saving to the library then re-opening in another app. I love the quality of the camera on the 4S.

So here are the first 4 weeks of my photo project.


thanks for stopping by.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4