Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 262/366

"Caber Toss on Racetrack"

First off let me apologize for the short image only posts the last few days, I have been having fits with my computer. Apparently it didn't like that I let it for 3 weeks. From failed HD, to corrupted Lightroom Catalogs, to 348 Corrupted images on my CF Card, it has not been a great week for electronics.

But hopefully I have most of it back up and running. My HD is on it's way back to Thailand and the luckily I had backups of the lightroom Catalogs, so it was fixable.

On the Photo side of things, I have been shooting a bunch this week, From Swimmers to football players to Senior Portraits. So that has been pretty fun.

So todays image is from the Pleasanton Highland Games, I am finally back to processing the almost 10,000 images I shot over the last month. That's frightening just to say that and to know that I will be very busy for the next few weeks.

The Pleasanton Games were unique in that the Caber Toss and Weight over Bar were both held on the Horse Racing Track, So I got to be out on the track walking around. It was also great fro the Athletes since they were performing in from of the grand stands with thousands of people. It was also cool photographically to have a Horse Racetrack as the back drop for most of these pictures.

And for those Highland Games Folk, Hang tight I am working very hard this week on the images.

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