Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 163/366

"Getting Lucky"

I was recently reading a statement by someone on Gplus, stating that being a good photographer is 75% luck. Well atleast getting a good shot is 75% luck. Now while this may seem logical in certain areas, like sports or landscape, where you have no control over what plays unfold in front of you, you just hope you get "Lucky" and get the right shot, or if you are shooting Landscape, you can't control the weather. Sometimes you get "Lucky" and have amazing skies.

But one of my favorite quotes is "Luck favors the prepared" So while to the novice it may seem like it is all LUCK, trust me, there is a lot of work that goes into getting those shots and predicting and preparing so you are ready when it happens. If any of you have seen Dave Black's Sports images or heard him speak, you know that he is a proponent of the ideas, "ARRIVE EARLY AND LEAVE LATE". and "KNOW YOUR SUBJECT" This is what makes the professionals look like they are just getting lucky. Over and Over  and Over.

So this was an image I was trying to get, I had this idea of panning with the car as it left the pits. JUST as it left, I wanted the people to be slightly out of focus. For there to be a slight hint of confusion by the viewer as to what was going on. It looks as though the car is still. But the energy in the wheels leads the viewer to question which element of the image is actually moving.

So while it is technically Luck, that I got this shot, there was a lot of effort that went in to me getting lucky.

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